茶処静岡の茶園で お茶体験を楽しもう

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Factory tour

What’s it like inside the tea factory?
All tea making processes are done here such as the tea picking to deliver to the end consumer!

How are the final products delivered? Tea factory tour
(Admission is free of charge for both individuals or groups)

You can watch the tea finishing process, the packaging processes and tea fridge through the glass.“Ara-cha”, unrefined tea, processes such as steaming and drying can be observed from the mini-tea production machine show room located on 2F or mini-production line on 3F. You can also see the Hoji-cha (roasted tea) factory. All free of charge. Let’s visit.

Tea production is a kind of complicated process done at the different places. Tea farmers grow tea trees, pick leaves, steam and dry tea leaves called Aracha process. Then tea processor does more processes and supply. Retailers are to sell the teas. 

Grinpia Makinohara is integrated all processes and visitors can observe all tea process here, which is very unique facility in Japan. Tea leaves picked by the tea farmers go to the steaming process and the rolled by given heats to become unrefined teas. Unrefined teas are to give the final process by the tea processes. Refined teas are to pack by having strict checks and finally wait for the delivery.

The teas produced here are purchasable at our shop “Ippin-kan”.
Process factory/2F
Delicious teas are processed here “Blend the unrefined tea”, “Select and Screening” and “Roast”.
Packing factory/3F
Finished teas at the process factory are packed here. 100g-200g package is common.。

※Admission fee is free for both individuals and groups. We are currently unable to provide guided factory tours.
※We are sorry, but please kindly understand that you can go through and observe factory by yourselves. Thank you for your understanding. For more information, please contact us.
※Factory can be observed all year around, but some factory lines may possibly be not working depending on the time period.

For more information and reservation

Points of factory tour

1. Tea picking

2. Unrefined tea factory (show room on 2F)
3. Process factory/2F


4. Solid automatic fridge
5. Packaging factory/3F
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Left・Tea bag  Right・Automatic filling machine

~Other highlights of GRINPIA MAKINOHARA~
◎Tea roasting factory

Visitors can observe our tea roasting factory through the glass, from our observation area located in the ground floor since April 10th, 2015. You will be walking further from Parking 1 to the factory building and passing through our big shop curtain in front. Then you will be able to enjoy fragrant aroma of roasted tea are filled in the air when our tea roasting machines are rolling.

※Factory can be observed all year around, but some factory lines may possibly be not working depending on the time period, order situation and the weather. Please kindly understand it.

◎History panel museum and Mini-tea process machine show room“MAKINOHARA History room”. 

“MAKINOHARA History room”, history panel museum and Mini-tea process machine show room, are opened on April 2015, 2F.
・At the History panel museum, you can see the panels introducing how the huge MAKINOHARA tea farms were cultivated. Also, you can learn the health functions of “Deep-steamed green tea” representing MAKINOHARA teas.
・At the tea processing machine show room, the 5 machines which were used at the beginning of Showa period are actually operated.
・You can look at those 4 levels of rolling machines (from rough to fine) up close.

※Care shall be taken not to touch the machine under operation.
Mini History panel museum

Mini tea processing machine show room

NEW!!◎Chocolate factory
New chocolate factory is now in full operation, located in one corner of wrapping factory on the 3rd floor.
We are now one of the group companies of Marusichi seicha Co., Ltd., and chocolates being sold at the famous sweets factory, Nanaya, are produced at our chocolate factory.Please come up the stairs to the 3rd floor, and you will be able to see how they are produced in one corner of the wrapping factory♪Needless to say, we are selling the chocolates and matcha gelatos , which is extremely popular at each Nanaya shops and our factory shop. Don’t forget to visit our factory shop!

※Please kindly note that there may be times when chocolate factory is closed on weekends or stock situations and order situations.
Chocolate factoryChocolate factory

Chocolate factoryChocolate factory









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